Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I visited the Cape Elizabeth lighthouse on March 12th. OBSERVATIONS: This lighthouse sits a top a hill and is part of the original Two Lights. The other lighthouse is behind the photographer, (me) and is no longer in use. I got the feeling in the neighborhood by people looking at me that I shouldn’t be there. I felt I was trespassing on private property. The lighthouse itself is part of a residence and is privately owned. It is kept in great condition.It is located at the mouth of Casco Bay in Cape Elizabeth. Cape Elizabeth lighthouse was the first to ever have its likeness portrayed on a postal stamp. This lighthouse which is usually referred to as Two Lights has a history that dates back to 1811. Originally, there were two functional lighthouses, both of which are still erected, but this one has been the soul provider of beacon warnings reaching ships at sea at a distance of 27 miles since 1924. The other lighthouse lamp was extinguished permanently and became an observation post during World War II.


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